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Once againI must apologize for leaving you so long without knowledge of my whereabouts or well-being.Furthermore, I am truly sorry that I did not heed your many warnings concerning my latest undertaking.

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It was just as you predicted in your last correspondence: I dropped some nearly thirty feet into a snake pit.My legs cried out in pain as I made contact with the ground, but luckily my mind remained lucid and clear.

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Thus, I was able to recall your splendid lesson on the ins-and-outs of reptilian pressure points and render each lunging snake unconscious with a single touch.These I then smartwatch $130 best together into a rope of sorts, looped at the end, which I used to essentially lasso a light fixture in the room above.

From there, I pulled myself out, fled to the local port, and escaped on a fishing vessel.

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This time, the scene was too frantic to use your stunning technique, so I hid in a steamer trunk until the ship—now rendered without crew by the slithering swarm—ran ashore.

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Until our next great adventure, Gleg Tamperhorn.It stinks in here.Go away winter Meh, Quip, and Fate: Copyright infringement, or just Meh?!?!

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