Smartwatch source sony open - Sony Open SmartWatch

Smartwatch source sony open - Sony Open SmartWatch Project turns wearable into hack platform

Although smartwatches have been in existence for some time, Sony was the first manufacturer to release the first true smartwatch.

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This watch, which runs on an Android operating system, is a small OLED computer that you wear on your wrist.At first glance, the Sony smartwatch appears to be a nice little gadget.Since the Sony Smartwatch operates on Android and is compatible with a number of applications readily available in the Google play store, the potential for this watch is, theoretically, endless.

smartwatch source sony open

When you factor in the fact that Sony has made the smartwatch open source, the possibilities increase tremendously.As an open source device, alternative firmware and custom applications are possible, and Sony even provides official developer support for those wishing to develop new things for the gadget.

The device is sleek and elegant, featuring black screen against a silver bezel.

smartwatch source sony open

Sony requires a proprietary application to be installed on your smartphone in order to interact and manage the watch.Although an annoyance, this is to be expected.

Smartwatch source sony open Smart watches for men

Perhaps the most important flaw of the Sony smartwatch, however, is the lack of any sort of on-boar settings.Other than a simple button for power, the watch has absolutely no buttons, relying instead on a touchscreen interface.The allure of the watch soon completely fades once you realize that there are some major setbacks.

smartwatch source sony open

First, the Sony smartwatch requires a constant Bluetooth connection to your smartphone.Without this connection the watch simply starts blinking error messages at you until you once again pair the phone and watch.

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But as we all know, Bluetooth can be finicky and advertised ranges are seldom achieved.Because of the lack of settings on the watch, every setting change, application installation or tweak must be done with smartwatch source sony open phone.

Overall, the Sony smartwatch seems like a waste of money, especially when there are other, better, options either currently available or soon to be released.Once again, Sony has proven that they have no clue what their customers want, instead producing yet another barely-functioning gadget and pushing it on the unwary and unsuspecting public.

Sony Open SmartWatch Project turns wearable into hack platform - SlashGear

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