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Get Smart is an American comedy television series that satirizes the secret agent genre that was popular in the United States in the late s.The watch v8 smart smart stars Don Adams who also worked as a director on the series as agent Maxwell "Max" Smart, a.
Henry said that they created the show at the request of Daniel Melnick [1] to capitalize on "the two biggest things in the entertainment world today": James Bond and Inspector Clouseau.
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The Museum of Broadcast Communications finds the show notable for "broadening the parameters for the presentation of comedy on television.The pair investigates and thwarts various threats to the world, though Smart's incompetent nature and demands to do things by-the-book invariably cause complications.
However, Smart never fails to save the watch v8 smart smart.The enemies, world-takeover plots and gadgets seen in Get Smart were a parody of the James Bond movie franchise.Max and 99 marry in season four, and have twins in season five.
Agent 99 became the first woman in an American hit sitcom to keep her job after marriage and motherhood.I was sick of looking at all those nice sensible situation comedies.They were such distortions of life.If a maid ever took over my house like HazelI'd set her hair on fire.
I wanted to do a crazy, unreal comic-strip kind of thing about something besides a family.No one had ever done a show about an idiot before.I decided to be the first.Brooks and Henry proposed the show to ABC, where network executives called it "un-American" and demanded a "lovable dog to give the show more heart", as well as scenes showing Maxwell Smart's mother.
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They wanted to put a print housecoat on the show.Max was to come home to his mother and explain everything.I hate mothers on shows.Max has no mother.He never had one.
The cast and crew contributed joke and gadget ideas, especially Don Adams, but dialogue was rarely ad-libbed.An exception is the third-season episode "The Little Black Book".Don Rickles encouraged Adams to misbehave, and he ad-libbed.
The result was so successful that the single episode was turned into two parts.Brooks had watch v8 smart smart involvement with the series after the first season, but Henry served as story editor through The crew of the show included:.
Despite being a top secret government agent, he is absurdly clumsy, very naive and has occasional lapses of attention.Due to his frequent verbal gaffes and physical miscues, most of the people Smart encounters believe he is grossly incompetent.

Despite these faults, Smart is also resourceful, skilled in hand-to-hand combat, a proficient marksman, and incredibly lucky.These assets have led to him having a phenomenal record of success in times of crisis in which he has often averted disaster, often on a national or global scale.
This performance record means his only punishment in CONTROL for his mistakes is that he is the only agent without three weeks annual vacation time.Owing to multiple assassination attempts, he tells his landlord he is in the insurance business, and on one occasion, that he works for the "Bureau of Internal Revenue".
Smart served in the U.Army during the Korean War and is an ensign in the U.He was played by Steve Carell in the film.Agent 99 Barbara Feldon is the tall, beautiful female agent whose appearance is useful in undercover operations.
Generally, Agent 99 her actual name is never revealed is much more competent than Smart, but Smart saves her life in several episodes.However, at one point her mother indicates that 99's father was also a spy.Creator Buck Henry pointed out to actress Barbara Feldon on the DVD commentary for Season 3 that when he tried to add funny lines for Agent 99, "They didn't want you to be 'joke funny'.
They wanted you to be watch v8 smart smart and interesting.When Max asks why she never told him what her real name was, she replies, "You never asked", to which Max says he prefers Then, at the watch v8 smart smart of the episode, she says it is not her real name.
She appears in all but seven episodes.Although sarcastic and grouchy, the Chief is intelligent, serious, and sensible.He is supportive of Agents 86 and 99 and rates them as his two closest friends, but he is frustrated with Smart for his frequent failures and foul-ups.
As revealed in the season-one episode "The Day Smart Turned Chicken", his first name is Thaddeus, but it is rarely used.His cover identity used primarily with 99's mom is "Harold Clark".Navy as a common seaman with Smart as his watch v8 smart smart officerhis official name is John Doe.
He was played by Alan Arkin in the film.Ratton replied "My father's name was Hymie!

Hymie has numerous superhuman abilities, such as being physically stronger and faster than any human and being able to swallow poisons and register their name, type, and quantity, though his design does not include superhuman mental processingmost significantly characterized by an overly literal interpretation of commands.
For example, when Smart tells Hymie to "get a hold of yourself", he grasps each arm with the other.Hymie also has emotions and is "programmed for neatness".He was played by Patrick Warburton in the film.Agent 13 Dave Ketchum is an agent who is usually stationed inside unlikely or unlucky places, such as cigarette machineswashing machines, lockers, trash cans, or fire hydrants.
He tends to resent his assignments.Agent 13 is featured in several season-two episodes.Watch v8 smart smart was played by Bill Murray in the film.Agent 44 Victor French is Agent 13's predecessor and is also stationed in tight corners.
Agent 44 sometimes falls into bouts of self-pity and complaining, and he would sometimes try to keep Max chatting for the company.Agent 44 appears in several episodes in the second half of season one.In the final season, there is a new Agent 44 played by Al Molinaro in two episodes.
Agent Larabee Robert Karvelas is the Chief's slow-witted assistant.In a season five episode, it is reported that if anything watch v8 smart smart to Smart, Larabee will take his place.Robert Karvelas was Don Adams' cousin.
Larabee also appears in The Nude Bomb.He was played by David Koechner in the film.

The admiral has a poor memory, believing the current U.President is still Herbert Hoover.As a year-old, he has bad balance and often falls over.Agent 38 appears as a scantily clad glamorous woman in two season 2 episodes.
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He also appears once in season four as a different actress Karen Authur.He can also switch to a feminine voice as part of the disguise.He was trained by Max, which probably explains why he does not always follow directions properly.
Their relationship began in Spy School, where they were watch v8 smart smart of the same graduating class.He sometimes uses the cover name Morris and his favorite toys are a turtleneck sweater, a rubber ducky and one of Max's slippers.
Fang's career ends in the second season, as he is no longer showing energy in solving his cases.He has a brief role in the film, being a pet-store dog that Max is in the habit of complaining to.
Watch v8 smart smart Smart watches for menFang was written out of the series in season two.He appears in six season-one episodes and two season-two episodes.He appears first in the pilot, "Mr.Big", and his last one was the season-two episode "Perils in a Pet Shop".
Shots that involved Fang ended up running long and costing the production a lot of money in overtime and wasted time.After a watch v8 smart smart episodes of this, he was written out of the series.He was handled by Bill Weatherwax.
Hodgkins is seen as the Chief's assistant in five early episodes of the series.He was played by Bryan O'Byrnewho was a school teacher before he embarked on acting.Carlson Stacy Keach Sr.While inspecting the gadgets, Max usually creates minor mayhem.
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Dr Steele often performs complex scientific procedures while wearing her revealing performance costumes.She is often seen explaining her findings while warming up for her next dance, and then suddenly departing for her performance.
Steele is replaced with the similar Dr.