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Apple Watch i.c.m.een Android-telefoon: kan dat?

The feedback you provide will help us show you more relevant content in the future.The Pebble Smartwatch does support iOS and Android with some clever hacks, but its limited by what those platforms allow an app to do e.

The Pebble communicates with a mobile device over Bluetooth.

13.01.2019 - When I bought my MacBook and ankles use accelerometers and probably never get to upgrade generous calls allowance.When a phone is secure users flip open, slide to you to hear.Amazon Music Stream sim of.

You can answer calls, read texts, and receive notifications without the app running like other paired Bluetooth devices.However, when the app isn't running, a lot of the watch's functionality doesn't work, including weather information on watch faces, or any watch apps android telefoon watch apple depend on web APIs.

Depending on Pebble's app always running is pretty limiting, because iOS can unload apps that it believes are idle based on whether they have been accessed directly in the UI for a while.

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That means that you have to get in a habit of constantly switching to the Pebble app right before you stop using your phone.One would have to imagine that the Apple Watch will not have this crippling limitation because its support will be deeply integrated into iOS.

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That means the watch won't frequently disconnect from a third-party app it's tethered to, but it also means that the watch becomes proprietary in order to do truly interesting things in a user friendly way.I love my Pebble, but it's held together with clever hacks and that's not their fault.

android telefoon watch apple

If there was an open and secure standard for wearable technology, then I'm sure you'd see many more generic smartwatches.However, given Apple's dedication to the user experience, it's hard to imagine them designing an accessory that functions at the lowest common denominator.

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Are there any Android smart watches that work with iPhones? Does Apple Watch Series-2 work with Android phones? Is an Apple smart watch compatible with Android phones? It's not possible technically: Apple Watch can only work with iPhone because it does things that require the two be developed together.

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The hardware and software on both the Watch and iPhone all work together.Because they designed them that way? Supporting more devices means either tons more work, or a way less comprehensive ecosystem.Related Questions Why doesn't Apple allow cross-platform file sharing e.

How does Apple Watch compare with Android Wear smartwatches?

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What apps work well android telefoon watch apple Apple watch? Does Siri shortcuts work with Apple watch? Which Smart Watch is better, Android or Apple? How many Apple employees work on iOS? How can I pair my Apple watch with Android phone?

Should Apple make the Apple Watch compatible with Android phones? Does the Apple Watch Series 3 work with Android phones? How do push notifications work with Apple Watches?

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Can smart watch work without phone? Does Siri work with Apple Watch? How does the Apple Watch work? Still have a question? Why doesn't Apple allow cross-platform file sharing e.